Simulation training


Simulation training is learning by doing. Scenario training is the most effective and practical way to teach and evaluate knowledge, and the skills that security officers will be required to use. It can validate or invalidate your company training, policy and procedure. Performing physical tasks combined with cognitive processing in environments that are similar to their job, while increasing proficiency…. these are the reasons that simulation based training is so important and necessary. Recent research has shown that permanent gains can only be achieved when performing physical tasks combined with cognitive processing in environments that are similar to their job. This could easily be a definition of Simulation based training; it allows for learning via direct experience.



Golden State Protective Services Simulator
Pepper Spray Simulation

The Benefits of Training Simulators

A realistic, repeatable stimulus throughout every training session is a necessity in effective training. This allows us to constantly teach and evaluate veteran security officers, or new officers in a variety of environments and situations. The Procedures and Tactics the participant utilizes can affect the outcome of each scenario, just as in real life. Regardless of your training objective, the simulator is always available to assist you and your company in reaching your goals. The results are an increase in employee learning and retention which directly correlates to an increase in their safety and efficiency, reducing company costs in ammunition, training time and liability.  Our simulator system has been designed to be the most effective, cost efficient and practical way to teach and transfer knowledge, ensure retention and evaluate skill sets that your employees may be required to use.




The Training Lab™ was designed to support the entire spectrum of enforcement skills training requirements from new security recruits to in-service, qualification and remedial training for seasoned security officers. The Training Lab™ supports the entire spectrum of enforcement skills:

The Training Lab has scenario guides, but allows the instructor to verbalize the introduction of a scenario to fit their training objective and to make the scenario relevant to the person being trained; thus, making every scenario relevant to the trainee.  Scenarios can be branched (changed) by the instructor in response to the trainee’s actions (e.g. verbalization, movement to cover, etc.).  Scenarios can be de-escalated by the instructor in response to the trainee’s actions; they can also be escalated.
Every scenario is filmed in bright light and the computer can adjust the lighting level on a sliding scale from bright to total darkness.  The student can chose to use actual flashlights for additional light during a scenario.  Scenarios will also branch and react to weapons containing IR lasers. Examples include: 

O/C Spray. This device is the actual size and shape of a typical O/C canister. If this pulsing laser hits the subject(s) on screen in the appropriate area, that person(s) will react as if they were sprayed with O/C.

TASER™ The TASER device is an actual M26 or X26 manufactured by TASER and is a safe weapon. It fires two lasers at the same 8 degree spread of a real cartridge and both lasers have to hit the suspect to be effective.

Virtual marksmanship training is an effective supplemental tool which allows for more frequent weapons training without the cost of live ammunition. Thus a huge benefit of Firing Line is AFFORDABILITY. Security companies will specifically see cost savings in ammunition and logistics. Frequent weapons training in the virtual environment allows security employees to practice weapon handling techniques.


Baton. If the trainee decides, as a force option, to use the baton, the instructor can branch the scenario to a baton reaction. In this case, the system will document the trainee’s use of baton.

Long Gun. Scenarios will branch by the introduction of any long gun and the system will score accordingly.

Firing Line™  allows you to be able to run Courses of Fire in realistic environments. The system allows for training using accurate weapons ballistics with environmental effects such as wind, rain, snow and light. You have the option of using pre-loaded standard Courses of Fire or chose to design custom qualification courses with their own distance and ammunition attributes. Using the Range Designer Tool the trainer can create the visual look of the environment such as a desert or urban backdrop. Firing Line offers flexibility in developing the technical aspects as well as the visual look of virtual Marksmanship training courses to emulate a real-world training course.

Handgun. Scenarios will branch and document impact points from the use of a single handgun or from multiple handguns. The reaction of the suspect of the screen will depend on shot placement.

Shotgun. Scenarios will branch by the introduction of a shotgun laser. The shotgun laser can be set to be pellets, slug, X-Rep or less lethal rounds.

And even more functionality exists:  Creation or import of your own target images through the Target Designer function, along with controls to edit scoring zones on the targets.  Ability to maintain your database of trainees by adding, editing, or modifying trainee information such as name, ID number, and unit ID.  Customizable weapons ballistics.


More standard features of the Ti TRAINING 3D Reactive Simulator:

  • 350+ Pre-loaded Video Scenarios and Graphic-Based Skill Building Exercises

  • Complete Weapons Control - simulate weapon malfunctions, clearances, and reloads

  • TASER™, OC Spray and Baton capability

  • Ability for Multiple Officers Utilizing Multiple Devices

  • Interactive Debriefing Tools

  • Picture in Picture Playback

  • Advanced Debrief , Display policy, procedure, case law, etc.

  • Printable Training Reports that document the training scenarios

  • Ability to upload your own scenarios and create hit zones

  • Firing Line™ - Ballistically correct graphics based marksmanship program

  • True Distance™ 3D Video

Train Anywhere

The Training Lab is man portable, comes with two carrying cases with wheels that are less than 60 lbs. each. The Training Lab was designed to operate in any room conditions. There is a provided portable 12’ or 14’ wide screen, or the system will work fine on a screen size as small as 6 feet wide or as large as 16 feet wide. Set up time is only 15 minutes.

Lowlight Training

All scenarios are filmed in daylight (Bright Light). The instructor can then adjust the lighting conditions of any scenario from completely bright, to completely dark, or anything in between.. The trainee can use his/her actual flashlight to light up the portion of the screen that they want to see. Since most situations happen in adverse lighting conditions this is an important feature that is not possible without a simulation system. A simulator can meet your low light training requirements and provide for continual lowlight training throughout the year.

Debriefing and Teaching

While running a trainee through a scenario you are testing to see what they know, how they react to multiple situations etc. But the real training takes place after the scenario ends and how the instructor uses this information to teach. With the Training Lab™ you have a complete file system to pull information to show the trainee word docs. PowerPoint’s, PDF, Videos and graphics to reinforce policy, procedures, law, weapon functionality or anything you desire. You have the ability to add any document/file type supported by Microsoft by use of simple Windows copy operations.  Recent research has shown that the self-evaluation that can be accomplished by the trainee being allowed to view the PIP feature of the Training Lab™ greatly increases leaning and retention.

Post-Incident Training

In addition to feedback on performance, trainees must be able to clearly articulate in their own words, according to law, policy and procedure, why they performed the way they did during the simulation-training scenario. If they are unable to provide this articulation in training, an instructor cannot expect them to be able to do it in a real-life incident. Simulation training provides a perfect opportunity for officers to learn and practice the art of articulation.

Economical Target Practice

Any target can be used on the Training Lab™ to create a programmable shooting range. Don’t waste ammo on troubled shooters. Put them on the Training Lab™ and let them practice economically. A custom course of fire can be created to replicate your course for cost-effective and repetitive training.

Simulation = Success

Simulation training provides the ability to succeed because each scenario allows the student to repeat the training as many times as necessary until the correct behavior— articulated by the instructor— has been applied. Again, repetition is the only likely way in which trainees will develop confidence in newly learned skills. This is the winning mindset. The Training Lab™ provides all scenarios with a true successful completion if all objectives are met. If the trainee is presented non-winnable scenarios, they can be wrongly conditioned into believing they are powerless to affect outcomes. There are multiple examples of where this defeatist mindset has resulted in injury and even death to security officers. The benefits to changing our mindset from testing and evaluation to teaching and learning in simulation training far outweigh the minimal effort required.


Audio and Visual Feedback

The Training Lab™ provides for the inclusion of common adult learning elements — audio and visual feedback. Examples include audio and video recording capability of the trainees as they go through training on the simulator animations, PowerPoint presentations, pictures, HTML files, training videos and documents. Simply telling a student what he or she did wrong is not enough and will quickly be forgotten. However, utilizing the Audio and Visual feedback tools on the Training Lab™, Instructors can show trainees areas that require improvement. Once this is accomplished, they can apply any given corrections in the same or similar scenarios. By applying these corrections in simulation, the trainee can demonstrate to the instructor and to themselves that the corrective measures were, in fact, valid. For instance, after a Training Lab™ simulation session during which the suspect on screen shoots at the officer, the officer may be given direction by the instructor to make better use of available cover and to verbalize better. By running the scenario again, the officer can apply these corrective measures. The Training Lab™ Instructor can then “branch” the scenario down a different path where the suspect does not shoot or complies with the trainees commands. This gives the trainee confidence that by making better use of cover and verbalization skills the outcome is much more desirable. The evaluation and communication process in Training Lab™ gives the instructor the tools to clearly and accurately explain the trainee’s deficiencies and proficiencies

Film and Edit Your Own Scenarios

The Training Lab™ includes the ability to film and edit your own scenarios. This can be accomplished in as little as 20 minutes. So, for example, if you have an incident in your agency and need to ensure that all your deputies/officers are trained on your policies concerning that situation, you can film it and have it on your system almost immediately. The Training Lab™ comes standard with the required editing software and training to make your own, fully branching scenarios. You can designate target areas that are effective and how many shots each target area requires for a reaction.
All with a click of a mouse.

3D Audio

3D Audio controls allow the instructor to introduce, in real time, while the scenario is playing; sound effects to further stimulate the student. Sound effects files are accessible on the instructor’s screen and can be customized by the end user. Each sound effect can be played from any single speaker or from a combination of speakers in the room to provide directionality

3D Scenario Technology

The Training Lab™ system has the ability to have three dimensional (3D) stereoscopic scenarios added to your training. The main value is realistic representation of relative distances. Most use of force decisions include relative distance as a factor in not only the decision to use force, but also in which force option is best.  In traditional two dimensional simulations, the screen is flat and the subjects everything is on the same plane. In the 3D simulation world you can actually gage the distance between people and objects and then use that information to decide the type of response that is reasonable. 3D, the characters and objects are now in real space. In other words, 3D represents the simulated world in the same way that the real world exists. Keep in mind our 3D technology is not simply graphical images drawn in a manner that makes them appear three dimensional. This is active 3D technology that very clearly represents the real world.

Documented Training

In addition to a more knowledgeable security officer, one of the greatest benefits of simulation based training is the ability to document the fact that training and learning took place. This type of documentation can be a powerful ally in any legal setting.

ADA Issues

Simulation has been accepted as a substitute for training employees with ADA issues or pregnancy. Yearly qualification is accepted for those with Lead, Noise, or other issues to maintain employment and not discriminate.